28.11.2024 - The trailer of my film "Like a fern between rocks" - 1000km solitary nomadic experience around Norway on foot, is finally out, the movie is 13 min long, in English with English/Italian/German subtitles, with original piano music by Will Gardner.

06.04.2024 - My reportage on China "One step to the Heaven" is now online HERE

14.11.2023 - Opening Reportage and Documentation for LAS Lawrence Lek’s largest exhibition to date explores a near-future scenario shaped by the integration of artificial intelligence in urban life.

17.11.2023 - I am very proud of my collaboraiton with Katja Kessler, Winner of the SBID International Design Award 2024 with the "Villa Meeresstern" project, with pictures we took together in Usedom, Germany

17.11.2023 - My portrait of Katja Kessler, Interior Designer and Founder of Katja Kessler Kreation on Tagespiegel

17.11.2023 - My pictures of Interior Design for Katja Kessler on the website of the SBID Award website

01.06.2023 Event Documentation for Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg’s Pollinator Pathmaker. The project encompasses a series of living sculptures made of plants, and a participatory campaign at the Museum für Naturkunde. Follow up documentation of 4 workshops around Berlin. Client: LAS

26.07.2023 - My portrait of the Argentinian artist Tomàs Saraceno, as official portrait for the Serpentine Gallery in London, has been published in several articles on The New York Times, Forbes, The Korea Herald, Artnet, Serpentine Galleries, Red Brick Art Museum, Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, Sotheby's, El Iberico, Tagesspiegel, Staatiche Museen zu Berlin, Gallery Hunday, Thailand Biennale 2023, Designboom, Connaissance des Arts and some more.

09.07.2022 - My pictures documenting the Boar performance and booklet.

21.03.2023 - My portrait of the Argentinian artist Tomàs Saraceno has been published in several articles regarding his new exhibition at the Serpentine Gallery, London

11.02.2023 - With a 6 years long collaboration, my latest portrait of Katja Kessler is now part of her Wikipedia page.

10.02.2023 - The Stiftung Berliner Mauer selected 2 or my pictures for their new publication "Die East Side Gallery" - the pictures were made in 2013 during the demostration against the contruction new luxury apartments at the East Gallery

10.02.2023 - New portraits in the People & Portraits session

09.01.2023 - I am just back from a trip from Australia and here you will find the preview of a book I am working on, "Winderness Australis", that you fill find here: www.norte.it/winderness-australis

Thanks for coming to the exhibition
Thanks for coming to the exhibition

New Exhibition from 3rd October to January 2023 at the Stiftung Gedenkstätten Sachsen-Anhalt
Gedenkstätte Deutsche Teilung Marienborn
Gedenkstätte Deutsche Teilung Marienborn

PORTRAIT SESSION - Call for Participation
#NZIRIA - insidiae
Dears, I am calling for participation in a Portrait session for my new project combining photography with mechanical automation.
The pictures will be the base for new artworks that will be developed in the upcoming months.
Pictures will be taken in my studio/apartment in Lichtenberg (Berlin), I am fully vaccinated, the studio has windows, the session will last not more then 1 hour and I will have just one session for day.
Please contact me if you are interested. Thanks, Dario
#callforparticipation #portrait #photography #experimental #people #berlin #apply #nziria #session #call
#NZIRIA - insidiae
Dears, I am calling for participation in a Portrait session for my new project combining photography with mechanical automation.
The pictures will be the base for new artworks that will be developed in the upcoming months.
Pictures will be taken in my studio/apartment in Lichtenberg (Berlin), I am fully vaccinated, the studio has windows, the session will last not more then 1 hour and I will have just one session for day.
Please contact me if you are interested. Thanks, Dario
#callforparticipation #portrait #photography #experimental #people #berlin #apply #nziria #session #call

I have been collecting pictures of Berlin in the last 10 years and I am still doing so; I finally managed to save them in a single archive and they are more than 50.000. it will take time for me to go through them, but i wanted to create a new collection of prints, starting from these 38.
Starting from Berlin by the Clouds and The Fragility of Time, Berlin has always been a focal point of my exploration, on my knowledge of German history and my love for this city. Inside you will find some known places from a different perspective, some old fashion ones, others that are usually closed and some that don't exists anymore, without being nostalgic.
I usually sell my prints to private people, companies and foundations, not so much on internet, because in general I like to idea to get involved also where they will be hanged, but I want to start sharing and propose them also here.
If you are interested, please contact me directly, you can peek the one you like or we can also arrange a virtual tour of the space you want to hang the pictures, choosing materials together or you can tell me about which memories you have of the city, so that I can dig deeper into this huge archve, to see what I can find for you.
This collection will grown over time, stay tuned.
Full collection HERE
Starting from Berlin by the Clouds and The Fragility of Time, Berlin has always been a focal point of my exploration, on my knowledge of German history and my love for this city. Inside you will find some known places from a different perspective, some old fashion ones, others that are usually closed and some that don't exists anymore, without being nostalgic.
I usually sell my prints to private people, companies and foundations, not so much on internet, because in general I like to idea to get involved also where they will be hanged, but I want to start sharing and propose them also here.
If you are interested, please contact me directly, you can peek the one you like or we can also arrange a virtual tour of the space you want to hang the pictures, choosing materials together or you can tell me about which memories you have of the city, so that I can dig deeper into this huge archve, to see what I can find for you.
This collection will grown over time, stay tuned.
Full collection HERE
(09.11.2020) D.UE/ Interview videos
To mark the 9th November and the Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall, I have decided to publish the videos of the interviews I made while working on Deutschland Übergestern, funded by the Bundesstiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur last year, already part of the Berlin exhibition at the Fotogalerie Friedrichshain. Together with the Interviews I uploaded the transcriptions made by Hanadi Siering
(20.09.2020) Feleksan Onar sculptures at the Damascus Room in Dresden
I have been commissioned by the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden to take pictures of PEARCHED, glass art by Istanbul based glass artist Feleksan Onar. It has been a priviledge to stay in this ancient Syrian room and to document the interaction between the two artworks.

(17.09.2020) Portrait of President Steinmeier for La Repubblica
Last week I was at Schloss Bellevue with journalist Tonia Mastrobuoni to meet Frank-Walter Steinmeier, President of Germany. Today my portrait was published on La Repubblica together with her interview.

The Exhibition Tour of D.UE is going to Jena (DE) till the celebration of the 30th Anniversary of Germany Reunification at the StadtKirche St.Michael

Fotographic documentation of “Fly with Aerocene Pacha”, a project by Tomàs Saraceno for Aerocene Foundation as part of CONNECT, BTS, curated by Daehyung Lee in the salt flats of Salinas Grandes, Argentina, becoming the first ever balloon-like structure to lift a human into the atmosphere, allowing its pilot to float free, without the use of fossil fuels, helium or lithium –becoming the most sustainable flight in human history and setting six world records across two categories.

(22.11.2019) Portrait on La Repubblica
Today on la Repubblica (web and paper version) by portrait of Olaf Scholz (Federal Minister of Finance of Germany) has been published together with the interview of Tonia Mastrobuoni. #portrait #photojournalism #germany #olafscholz #scholz #finanzminister #photojournalism

(09.11.2019) Portrait on La Repubblica
On the day of 9th November, my portrait of Wolfgang Schäuble (President of the Deutscher Bundestag) in discussion with journalist Tonia Mastrobuoni is on the first page of la Repubblica (and on page 15 with the full article) for the celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall

(01.11.2019) DEUTSCHLAND ÜBERGESTERN - Press release
In the last days Deutschland Übergestern has been featured on several media, the official website of the 30 Years of the Berlin Wall, it is in the list of events of visitberlin website and has been featured on several photography online and printed magazines

Stunning interview of the artist and friend 2501 for Arttribune.
Very happy to have one the pictures we did together in Berlin for it.
Link: https://www.artribune.com/arti-visive/street-urban-art/2019/10/intervista-2501/
Very happy to have one the pictures we did together in Berlin for it.
Link: https://www.artribune.com/arti-visive/street-urban-art/2019/10/intervista-2501/


The pictures of the Hutfabrik in Luckenwalde (Brandenburg - DE) by architect Mendelsohn have been published on the book "Wellbeing in interiors - philosophy, design & value in practice" by Elina Grigoriou, London-based Interior Designer and Sustainability expert.

Currently working on the development of the project, expecting to deploy the Berlin exhibition and catalog by the end of the Year. #uebergestern

(13.06.2019) PORTRAIT OF GIORGIO AGAMBEN ON tagesspiegel
For DediKa2019 and the Italian Institute of Culture of Berlin, a portrait of the philosopher Giorgio Agamben has been published today on Tagesspiegel.
Original Article: https://www.tagesspiegel.de/ #Agamben #berlin #Dedika2019 #Giorgio

(12.05.2019) La Biennale di venezia
It has been a great privilege to be part of this project by Studio Tomás Saraceno, not only as a photographer but also for the incredible team work.
"On the disappearance of clouds, 2019.
A post fossil fuel, emergent cloudscape in a tidal scenography, reflecting on the increasing readability of the disruptive anthropocentric narratives forming in the troposphere.
As the moon’s gravitational pull duets with the accelerating sea phases of global warming, synchronously, the sun draws sound waves in light of acqua alta: an intermittent signal resounds through the Gaggiandre at the frequency of the tidal phases, reflecting a score in elemental motion, composing in clave de sol, and making audible the urgent voices of sea levels as they rise.
As part of the installation "Aero(s)cene: When breath becomes air, when atmospheres become the movement for a post fossil fuel era against carbon-capitalist clouds", 2019, on view in Venice through May 11–November 24, 2019, as part of#MayYouLiveInInterestingTimes #BiennaleArte2019curated by Ralph Rugoff.
#Towards Aerocene #CloudAppreciation#AgainstCarbonCapitalistClouds
#RisingTides #UrgentVoices #ClimateChange"
"On the disappearance of clouds, 2019.
A post fossil fuel, emergent cloudscape in a tidal scenography, reflecting on the increasing readability of the disruptive anthropocentric narratives forming in the troposphere.
As the moon’s gravitational pull duets with the accelerating sea phases of global warming, synchronously, the sun draws sound waves in light of acqua alta: an intermittent signal resounds through the Gaggiandre at the frequency of the tidal phases, reflecting a score in elemental motion, composing in clave de sol, and making audible the urgent voices of sea levels as they rise.
As part of the installation "Aero(s)cene: When breath becomes air, when atmospheres become the movement for a post fossil fuel era against carbon-capitalist clouds", 2019, on view in Venice through May 11–November 24, 2019, as part of#MayYouLiveInInterestingTimes #BiennaleArte2019curated by Ralph Rugoff.
#Towards Aerocene #CloudAppreciation#AgainstCarbonCapitalistClouds
#RisingTides #UrgentVoices #ClimateChange"
Original Post: https://www.facebook.com/studiotomassaraceno

My photography for the Project of Analog.Glass, involving german innovative designer Philipp Weber (German Design Award, 2018) and Berlin Glass e.V.
Website: https://www.analog.glass/

(27.03.2019) Marco DOnnarumma's new website: 7 Configurations
Some of my pictures has been published on the website of Marco Donnarumma: 7 Configurations - Artificial intelligence vs body politics from the world premiere of Zu tài at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, DE, 2018.

(14.02.2019) reportage of the Berlinale at the Italian Embassy
For the Berlinale 2019, my reportage from the Italian Embassy in Berlin with the crew of "La paranza dei bambini" (english name: Piranhas), Roberto Saviano and the director Claudio Giovannesi.
#berlinale2019 #robertosaviano #berlin #berlino #laparanzadeibambini #giovannesi
#berlinale2019 #robertosaviano #berlin #berlino #laparanzadeibambini #giovannesi

My portrait of Dr. Martin Heller has been published on the website of "diskurs - das magazin der Weberbank"
Original link: https://weberbank-diskurs.de/dr-martin-heller-kunst-braucht-unternehmertum
My portrait of Dr. Martin Heller has been published on the website of "diskurs - das magazin der Weberbank"
Original link: https://weberbank-diskurs.de/dr-martin-heller-kunst-braucht-unternehmertum

(10.02.2019) NEW PORTRAIT PROJECT - Deutschland Übergestern (30th Anniversary - Reunification’s Aftermath)
A new project of photography and history for 2019, following the stories of people in the passage from the divided Germany to Reunification. A series of portraits related to the world of workers and jobs, an inquiry related to the 30th Anniversary of the Reunification, but could also be related to the current European situation of work and migration.
You can follow the project here: https://norte.it/due
You can follow the project here: https://norte.it/due

(14.10.2018) Palais de Tokyo (Paris)
I am very happy to announce my collaboration to the installation (lighting setup) and photo documentation of the Carte Blanche to Tomás Saraceno at Palais de Tokyo.

Tomás Saraceno, ‘ON AIR’ solo exhibition at Palais de Tokyo, Paris, 2018, curated by Rebecca Lamarche-Vadel. Courtesy the artist; Andersen’s, Copenhagen; Esther Schipper, Berlin; Pinksummer Contemporary Art, Genoa; Ruth Benzacar, Buenos Aires; Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York. © Photography : Studio Tomás Saraceno, 2018.
(01.10.2018) Wallpaper Magazine
Outside - my collaboration with Studio Tomàs Saraceno, Inside - the great experience with the Aerocene Community and the freeflight at Helenesee (Germany) on the Limited Edition Cover of Wallpaper Magazine (October 2018 Issue)

On assignment for the Italian Embassy in Berlin, following the Italian delegation at the Bürgerfest des Bundespräsidenten - Tag des offenen Schlosses, welcomed by Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Frau Elke Büdenbender #Bürgerfest2018 #bellevue #berlin #germany #steinmeier

(14-21 June 2018) Group Exhibition
One of the pictures from Entropic Series / DEAF has been part of the collective exhibition UNDERWATER, hosted by Millepiani space in Rome

(01.06.2018) Michelangelo Pistoletto in Berlin
This week I will follow the italian artist Michelangelo Pistoletto for his exhibition DediKa 2018
#Dedika2018 #DasDritteParadies #Lumpenvenus #Michelangelo #Pistoletto #Veneredeglistracci #VenusoftheRags #artepovera #artist #berlin #berlino #culture #dario #embassy #institute #italian #lagana #laganà #norte #norte.it #photographer #photography #terzoparadiso

(30.05.2018) MAXXI Rome picture on ISST
One picture of my collaboration with MAXXI Museum in Rome and the Studio Tomás Saraceno showing the Cosmic Concert artwork from the Exhibition "Gravity" has been publish on the n. 49 of the ISST (International Society for the Study of Time) Magazine.

(13.05.2018) Portrait on La Vanguardia
After being published on La Stampa, today the spanish newspaper La Vanguardia wrote a new article starting from the analysis of my picture of Carles Puigdemont i Casamajó. Thanks to Nicolas Lozito and Francesco Olivo for this opportunity and for their trust.

(12.05.2018) Front Page Picture + Portrait of Carles Puigdemont for La Stampa (italian newspaper)
Carles Puigdemont in the Berlin apartment that serves as office. On the background a "moreneta", the statue of Virgin of Montserrat (Mare de Déu de Montserrat) - Patron Saint of Catalonia.
Digital Version: here
#article155 #2018 #Carles #Catalan #Catalonia #President #berlin #berlino #constituzione #crisi #dario #deutschland #francesco #germania #interview #intervista #journalist #lagana #laganà #lastampa #newspaper #norte #norte.it #olivo #photographer #photography #politician #puigdemont #spagna #spanish #torino

(05.05.2018) DEAF @ Zukunftvisionen 2018 / Güterbahnhof, Görlitz
Entropic Series' first project DEAF (taub - sordo) is exhibit at the Festival 5th-12th May 2018
Infos and Festival program at www.zuvi-festival.de

(03.05.2018) My pictures for the performance by Stratofyzika @ Ufer Studios / Berlin
Dagmara Kraus POL (Poesie) | Hen USA (Tanz) | Lenka Kocisova CZE (Musik) | Alessandra Leone ITA (Visuals) Das Gedicht „Kummerang“ wird in verschiedenen Sprachakzenten mittels Tonaufnahmen in seinem Klang und in seiner grafischen Form erforscht. Die Bewegung bildet sich als Karte ab und wird in den physischen Raum übertragen. Das Licht tanzt mit und gegen den Körper und repräsentiert den Fluss, den Rhythmus der Poesie. Die Partitur des Beleuchtungssystems basiert auf Text-Mining-Arbeiten mit besonderem Augenmerk auf Leerstellen und Wiederholungen. Alessandra AiKia WerkstattHen Ni HenAkkamiau KočičíHaus für Poesie

(24.11.2017) My pictures at the Gedächtniskirche (Berlin) for the Embajada de la República Argentina en Alemania

(23.11.2017) Today my portrait of the syrian Chef Malakeh Jazmati is on the printed version of la Repubblica (one of the most famous italian newspapers).
Digital version here
Digital version here

(20.11.2017) My Pictures for the performance of Lilibeth Rasmussen at Silent Green Kulturquartier (former Wedding Crematorium / Berlin) for the Nordwind Festival

(12.11.2017) Italian Actor Toni Servillo at the Italian Embassy in Berlin
Documentation for the Event of the Italian actor and theatre director, main character in The Great Beauty (Italian: La grande bellezza), Oscar Academy Award as Best Foreign Language Film.
Client: Italienische Kulturinstitut Berlin
Client: Italienische Kulturinstitut Berlin

(06.10.2017) Aerocene Documentation
My first priority as a photographer is to be involved in great projects and have fun. Look what happend last weekend with Aerocene and Studio Tomás Saraceno

(24.09 2017) Reportage for 2501
ilgorgo published the full reportage i made for the New Mural of the muralist 2501 and his wall for URBAN NATION at Bülowstrasse (Berlin)

(20.09.2017) We Will Forget Soon Exhibition in Bologna (IT)
We Will Forget Soon is going to Bologna (IT) 29th Sep. - 13th Oct. I will be there on the 29th for the Vernissage and a project presentation (at 19.30) at Senape Vivaio Urbano - Via Santa Croce, 10/ABC

(19.09.2017) Set Photography for "String Figures"
String Figures is an audiovisual piece feat. concept and music by Zoë Mc Pherson, film by Alessandra Leone. More pictures in the article. Great job by an amazing crew: Hen Ni Hen IChi Go Raki Fernandez Julian Moser Nóra Belovai Terril Scott Lutz Forster.

(14.08.2017) Private assignment and prints
After completing my assignment together with a private book, I've just delivered these 4 pictures to a client. 40x40cm, black frame with passpartout

(07.07.2017) Vernissage of Chunks of Soul at St.Oberholz
TODAY's the day - at 7pm at St. Oberholz (Zehdenicker Str 1) - till 10pm
See you there Joseph Turian, Jannik Drechsel, Matteo Rescazzi, Matteo Becucci, Débora Fernandes Teixeira, Christi Gøbel, Dario Muriel Giorgio, Taylor Rose, Virginia Clemm, Ceven Knowles, Ludi Oktokreuz, Trevor Alback, Xenia Black, Alyha Love, Fabio Boxikus, Lise Térik, Henry Kmanand Ötvös Kinga.
Thanks to iHeartBerlin.de, Frank R. Schröder Artconnect, Il Mitte | Quotidiano di Berlino per italofoni, Lucia Conti, Berlino Magazine, Andrea D'Addio, Ezzahra Melk, Ema Discordant, Berlin Art Link, zitty Berlin, tip Berlin,
See you there Joseph Turian, Jannik Drechsel, Matteo Rescazzi, Matteo Becucci, Débora Fernandes Teixeira, Christi Gøbel, Dario Muriel Giorgio, Taylor Rose, Virginia Clemm, Ceven Knowles, Ludi Oktokreuz, Trevor Alback, Xenia Black, Alyha Love, Fabio Boxikus, Lise Térik, Henry Kmanand Ötvös Kinga.
Thanks to iHeartBerlin.de, Frank R. Schröder Artconnect, Il Mitte | Quotidiano di Berlino per italofoni, Lucia Conti, Berlino Magazine, Andrea D'Addio, Ezzahra Melk, Ema Discordant, Berlin Art Link, zitty Berlin, tip Berlin,

(24.05.2017) DEAF on Artconnect
DEAF (taub - sordo ) has been featured today on Artconnect's staff picks for #Water